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Arabian Sea Mini Warm Pool using a coupled Ocean - Atmosphere numerical model

Validation of the Coupled Model

Comparison of model simulated sea surface temperature, salinity and current against NOAA-AVHRR surface temperature, ESA surface salinity and Oscar surface current respectively. The first column from left is for the year 2018, second column is for the year 2013 and the last column is for 2016 for all the figures.

Identification of the Arabian Sea mini warm pool in coupled numerical model

Arabian Sea Mini Warm Pool forms in the southeastern Arabian Sea and becomes the warmest region in the North Indian Ocean in late April to May. The formation mechanism of this mini warm pool is debated by the researchers across the world. We have configured a coupled model at the Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi to study the formation of mini warm pool and the plausible reason for its formation. In the next few months our objective is to find out the mini warm pool formation mechanism and associated air sea interaction related to monsoon onset. 

The presence of high SST  in the mini warm pool in May (mature phase) and June (dissipation phase)  for the years the years of 2018, 2013 and 2016 is shown in the left figure and the associated salinity in the right figure. .

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