Research Interests
I am mainly interested in studying different aspects of physical and dynamical ocean processes. But that's not all. Oh, wait! what's the fun in gisting the topics here. Let's go through them in detail one by one.

Physical Oceanography
Physical oceanography is the part of oceanography where different physical processes are discussed. It provides an overall idea of the ocean circulation and different properties of the Ocean. I have explored one of such physical processes, upwelling in the western Arabian Sea.
Air-Sea Interaction
Air-Sea interaction describes the dynamical, biological, and thermodynamical processes that link the ocean with the atmosphere or vice versa. My interest is in the dynamic processes that can link the ocean and the atmosphere.

Ocean Modelling
​To study the variability of ocean circulation and the importance of different processes in it, numerical models are proved to be one of the most effective tools. I am using both ocean and ocean-atmosphere coupled models to understand the oceanic process as well as the air-sea interaction over the Arabian Sea.
Indian Monsoon
​The monsoon is one of the greatest weather systems on earth that can act as a blessing for the living or it can be the reason for great affliction over the land. India is very fortunate to have one of the strongest monsoons in the world from June to September. I have intended to study the importance of different oceanic processes in this monsoon variability.